These researchers analyzed the perceptions of parents of students determined to be at-risk about their involvement with their children. Parents (n = 229), predominantly Hispanic, were surveyed from elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in a district in South Texas near the Texas-Mexico border. Quantitative data obtained from the survey indicated the presence of a perceived relationship between parental involvement and views of student achievement. Reported parental involvement, views of student attendance, and high school completion were not related in this study. Of these 229 parents, 129 of them completed one open-ended question in which they were queried about ways in which they believed that schools could increase their level of parental involvement. Through the method of constant comparison, themes identified from these parents’ responses were: Increase Parental Involvement Activities on Campus; Communication; Scheduling Parental Involvement Opportunities at Different Hours and Days; Teachers and Parents Working Together; Parents Welcomed at Schools; Bilingual and Spanish Speaking; Parental Participation; Parental Involvement Meetings; Parental Involvement Presentations; Notifications to Parents; Food; and Teachers Trained in Parental Involvement Issues. Implications of these findings are discussed. ACCESS FULL MANUSCRIPT HERE:

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